Regulated Air Cargo Agent Regime (RCAR)
The Regulated Air Cargo Agent Regime (RCAR) is implemented to secure the processes for handling, transporting and storage of cargo on all-cargo and passenger aircraft.
Known Consignor’s cargo will subject to a lower percentage of screening compared to unknown consignors whose cargo will be fully screened – screening fees apply.
Consignors are recognised as Known Consignors in 2 ways:
1] Possess industry-recognised security certification with current validity – TACSS level 1, C-TPAT Tier 2 or 3 or STP or STP-Plus;
2] Consignors who wish to be recognised as Known Consignors must register with APD to be recognised as a Known Consignor, thus to comply with a set of security requirements in securing the air cargo which they are handling or to be exported.
SPEEDMARK AIR TRANSPORTATION PTE LTD is committed to establish, implement the safeguarding of the Company’s interest – company’s employees, properties, information, reputation and its businesses against negative security incidents and potential threats in the supply chain.
Speedmark security Policy is guided by the Regulated Agent Security Program (SP). The SP provides the general principles for the company security activities and the way its operates throughout the supply chain in maintaining operational integrity and business continuity as well as in compliance with Singapore Customs (SC) and related statutory requirements including Strategic Goods control Act (SGCA) and Strategic Goods Control Regulations (SGCR).
Sufficient resources and expertise are allocated to ensure the implementation, maintenance, continuous improvement and compliance with applicable security control documented in SP. All employees are responsible for supporting the principles contained in SP and working with the contractors or vendors and customers to monitor the company’s security compliance.